Well it's 2011 and its finally year of the rabbit. All the best, and lots of luck to those people who are rabbits in the Chinese calendar. Its our year to shine GIVER'.
I love this time of year its where boys can be boys. Which consists of relaxing on the sofa drinking Beer, eating lots of good food, and watching the NFL Playoffs. Can't wait for the SUPERBOWL XLV yeeeah!
Well its been a while since I last posted. I'm just trying to get better on my new cintiq 21UX, I still need more practice. But slowly i'm getting the hang of it. Here's one of my favourite female bond villans from Golden Eye.
I had an urge to draw a pin up chick, and I decided to clean this one up. The clean up took some time, I thought it would give her some bite. Gotta love the vintage pinups!
My mom and other mothers out there do a lot for us that sometimes we don't always see and appreciate. Mother's Day is the one day we can show how much we love them and appreciate all the things they do. So make sure it counts! Thanks mom and hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day.